Band name:
A Part Of Us
Band members plus instruments:
Simone Cristanelli (Voice/Bass)
Nicola Baiocco (Guitar/Voice)
Daniele Steccanella (Guitar/Voice)
Marco Tronci (Drums)
Where are you from:
Verona – Italy
Favourite venue to play:
Describe your band in 3 words:
Punk-Rock, Melodic, TuPaTuTuPa
Social Media links’n’stuff:
Latest release:
Different Stories on the same road (Album 2019)
Coming Too Close (NUFAN Cover Revisited 2017)
Worst show/club you‘ve ever played:
Every show with few people and every show where no one plays your genre
Funniest thing ever happened on tour:
We have had only one mini-tour behind us, this is what has been:
One thousand kilometers, buckets and buckets of rain (maybe in some moments was raining upside-down), a couple hours of gigs, too many beers, a night in a place with no doors and no windows and finally 2 autovelox!
“good luck is blind, but bad luck sees you very well”
less money more fun, all of this is “a part of us”
Favourite tour drink:
3 guys Beer and 1 guy Coke
Alltime favourite record in the tourbus:
Spotify always on that plays all our favorite bands
These 5 bands inspired us:
A Wilhelm Scream, Mute, Belvedere, PMX, Darko
One band you want to play with:
A Wilhelm Scream
a „no-go“ at your shows:
Sitting people! Hate sitting people watching you and thinking „WTF is this shit?!“, fuck off this is punk-rock!
Future plans:
We are working on the new EP, we would like to organize some tours outside Italy (in Europe) but at the moment, with Covid situation, there are no certainties
that’s something we want to achieve as a band:
Play at Punk Rock Holiday next year!