Band name:
The Pigeon Boys
Band members plus instruments:
LX Pigeon (Guitar / Vocals)
Iggy Pigeon (Bass / Vocals)
Chris Pigeon (Drums / Vocals)
Where are you from:
Favourite venue to play:
Jellyfish Musicbar
It’s like our livingroom. We’ve played there several times and set up some shows for bands we like. Cool place even though it has no stage. But floor shows rule anyway.
Describe your band in 3 words:
passionate, fast, fun

Latest release:
Ready To Take It? EP
Next gig:
20.2. Wohnzimmer Innsbruck
worst show/club you‘ve ever played:
Eterotopia Milano. It was cold as fuck, we had to play wearing our jackets. And it was the biggest stage in the world… and only about ten people in the “crowd” (including the other bands). Chris was sick as fuck and could hardly finish the set. And just as we thought it couldn’t get worse someone stole a whole box of bandshirts. Shitty night!
funniest thing ever happened on tour:
Our lawyers told us not to talk about the funniest tour stories… Let’s just say we always have a lot of fun.. sometimes maybe a little too much…
Favourite tour drink:
alltime favourite record in the tourbus:
More or less everything on Monster Zero Records but especially Clown War Four by the Mugwumps
These 5 bands inspired us:
Ramones, Murderburgers, Mugwumps, Alkaline Trio, No Use For A Name
one band you want to play with:
Maybe Red Lights Flash because it would mean that they would be back together
a „no-go“ at your shows:
Anything that makes others uncomfortable.
Future plans:
We want to release a full album in 2020. And wherever you are, we want to play in your town!
that’s something we want to achieve as a band:
Play Punkrock Raduno, Punkrock Holiday, The Fest or Manchester Punk Festival