Getting a promo mail that says “Nevermind Dookie, let there be Mudfight” made me somehow curious, cause on one hand I think it takes some dose of self confidence to question a masterpiece like the Dookie record and on the other hand I really liked their two track single they released last year.

The EP is called Safe Zone and contains 4 fast and catchy pop-punk tracks. The first thing that I thought when I listened to EP was, since when is little Billy Armstrong singing for a local Austrian band? There is one thing that I was thinking all the time when listening to it and that is why is my brain always telling me that this is totally wrong and my heart says that I should play it again?
I grew up listening to Greenday, besides The Offspring, they were my introduction into Punkrock and one of the bands I was listening to the most in my life. Dookie, Nimrod and Insomniac were soundtracks of my life and that’s why my brain clearly is protesting against the fact that there is a band around my place that sounds like 90ies Greenday. But my heart says, well Greenday isn’t producing great records anymore, so why not listening to something that still gives me the 90ies Greenday-vibe? And honestly if all new bands would bring such a powerful and well played sound on their records, like Mudfight are doing, Punk would not be dead haha.
The only negative thing I can say about that EP is, that it’s just too short! I want more!
As a conclusion the only thing I can say is: Fuck you brain! Punkrock comes from the heart! So give me more Mudfight!
– written by Martin

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